An edacious thirst for adventure surrounds me. It knows it's bounds, but those that know me find it haunting. Fortunately they contrast with Kristi's audaciously hilarious episodes that have earned her a "special" blog link.
Those that find running a perfectly boring exercise need to get out of the gym and onto the street. Where I live, stuff happens. I prefer not to be caught by surprise, but unfortunately most often this isn't my choice.
There are few things that make a tired runner feel less tired - instantly. Yesterday, a few miles down the road one of those times befell me. I can only imagine the cruel feeling of anonymous pleasure those witnesses may have enjoyed safe behind the windows of their nearby home, while watching me fall victim to their pets. I think I shall avoid those parts for a while as I find this experience a tad more unnerving than even a pesky dog.
I was covering ground enjoying the noon summer shine and letting my thoughts wander, when I suddenly thought, "that's odd, I've never heard
these power lines hum like that before." Oh, ok, that's not the power lines - that sounds like flies and they're real close but I can't tell. Hives! clean white honey hives. I think I know what's around my head now! I didn't have to think about running fast... it just happened. Then I felt the first one on my neck. How many there were I don't know, but the sound I do know. I've been around bees enough to know when there's way more than one - and they seem to have a way of sounding vicious when you're their victim.
My focus quickly shifted from a burst of speed to a more disconcerting dilemma. The running shirt intended to keep me cool had trapped a least one bee aft of my shoulder. He was one angry beast. A quick glance back told me I had to act quick. It all happened so fast. Somehow he escaped, but I immediately sensed another on my right shoulder. Another quick swat and I though it was over. Nope! Another buzz on the back of my head. A close shave but his luck ran short and a quick swipe found it's mark.
My heart was beating a little faster than it should have. but Ha! they'd not scored even one kill! ... or so I'd thought. Checking my right shoulder again I found a stinger that must fallen short. However, upon removing it, I learned otherwise and surmised that no pain was felt until the stinger itself is removed.
Without a delay I shook out my shirt and gave it a quick glance since the thought of more was a little too uncomfortable. Besides if there are any more stingers I'd rather not suffer the embarrassment of being stung by a dead bee.
So. The "buzz is worse than the bite". I have been stung more than a few times.... yet I insist... the pain is way more pleasureable than it's counterpart - the moment just before.
I shall simply scratch that route of the list for a while or until the weather lends them less freedom.
Show me the dogs. Even more... may they all be loose to chase me every day.... just don't drop a bunch of sour bee hives in my path so suddenly!