Monday, June 13, 2005

The missing name

Stuart? Not a mouse name!
Amadeus? Please!

What's my middle name? I need some help.


Crystal said...

I need some help here too. Sorry it's been a long day...are we supposed to be be guessing your middle name and trying to figure out what your parents where thinking would go with Raphael when they named you??? Sorry if I am sounding really dumb right about now...

Anonymous said...

No, I think we are to think up a good middle I correct?

Crystal said...

Oh ok...I will give that some thought...Does he not have one? Thanks Sharon.

Raphael said...

Percival. Now that's original. The truth is I don't have a middle name and I'm wondering what it was supposed to be!

Kristi said...

"Malachi." I think that sounds so perfect with your first name.
"Raphael Malachi Neff" :D

Kristi said...

Stuart was such a cute little mouse...I wonder if he ever found his yellow bird friend...

Kristi said...

LOL, I already suggested Ezekiel to him Kat, (great minds think alike)--he was horrified!

Anonymous said...

definitely Stuart. Chips

Raphael said...

Sorry Kat and Krist :) Not Ezekiel... or David! and Percival sounds 1500's years to old. I think Chips is trying to conceal her identity - nice try. Lest Stuarts sticks I suggest Antonio or Clyde or Clifton or Vincent.

Oh, I know... there's an R one that Elliott uses, but I can't mention it here :)

Crystal said...

Raphael Clifton doesn't do a thing for me but let's just say it's HEAPS better than Raphael Clyde. Ugh...

I often like to look at names based on what they mean and I found a few that I thought weren't too bad. Personally I kind of like Antonio - Inestimable
Here are a few others for better or worse!
Rodrick - Famous ruler
Donovan - Dark Warrior
Jared - One who rules
Sabastian - Majestic

I also like Jamison but it means supplanter so that doesn't really do much as far as the meaning goes.
Raphael means God has healed by the way.

Raphael it might help us out a little if you have an idea about whether you want to go with something really common, old, new, long short...or do you know???

I wish you the best on this quest with all our fabulous help. LOL

Kristi said...

"Chips?" Is that you Emily Thompson?

Anonymous said...

Any takers on Stuart??? Chips

Crystal said...

Please not Stuart...
My mom likes Daniel. It's a strong and purposeful name and God definetly used Daniel to heal a nation which goes with the meaning of your first name.

Mark said...

haha,...sorry to break it to you (and it's not like I mind) but all hope of originality would be lost with Daniel--it's my middle name. Like I said, you are welcome to it.

Other suggestions:


Oh whatever...

Crystal said...

Sorry Mark, I am did not know that Daniel was your middle name or I would have let my mom know that! It is a wonderful name!

Emmy said...

I still don't understand whats wrong with Stuart.

Rebekah said...

No Stuart. Yes Adrian. Ha.